Friday, September 28, 2012

Time is Money, or so it seems

If you were given ten million dollars what do you think you'd do with it?

If you were given more time in each day, free from just sustaining yourself, what would you do with it?

Some of us might mention how with money or time we'd do those things that we don't have enough money or time to do right now.

Do you know anybody who ever made a bunch of money and then stopped endeavoring to make more because they had made enough?

Do you know anybody who has gotten enough help from technology to save time with the "chores" of the day and now spends most of their time just enjoying life?

With Technology we have less need to actually do those things that make our lives possible.   Machines do a lot of work and do the work faster than we could.  Still we have lives that are scheduled to the hour and minute, and we never seem to be able to do all that there is to do in the time available.

Why is it that the mega rich just keep living lives that seem focused on making money?  How is it that we now have cars that will get us from here to there many times faster than we could get there under our own power, but we still have schedules, so tight, that we have to do our make up, eat our meals, text or read the paper while driving?

Somebody else said, "You cannot save time, but only spend it wisely" and I agree.

About "going backward"

It seems that rather than "going backward" in time and technology, the choice is to go forward, but away from certain things, given the experience of having both, I can make an informed and thoughtful choice between the two paths of living.
It is not a guess or an intellectual exercise, but a choice made from experience and observation.  After all I have history to refer to, as well as the present.  Because of my situation of being born in this time, and this place, I have examples of the most technologically advanced methods of living that man has ever contrived, as well as the most ancient and simple methods of being that have been practiced.

With this kind of knowledge, it is not really possible to go "backwards" nor does this description give full credit to the thoughtfulness of the choice.  100 years ago, the choice not to use certain technology, or seek certain medical prescription was not a choice or even an awareness.  I can now make choice knowing what each option offers.

"Going Backward" is not accurate to the choice, choosing an "alternative Path" might be a more appropriate term.