I have just read "The story of B" by Daniel Quinn. I don't think I have ever read anything before and had the same kind of reaction. How could I?
We have roamed the planet for millions of years, but only in the last couple hundred has the need for an energy source other than the sun, the rivers, the wind, the plants and animals not been enough. All of those energy sources can go on and on and support each other.
The idea that after this life we will become enlightened, or go to heaven, or achieve some sort of salvation, has allowed for our entire culture to turn it's back on our current means of existence and survival, with out concern for the consequence of immediate gratification.
Evolution? Drop out entire population into a time machine, take us back 50 years and see how we do. then go back 100 and see how we do. then go back 200, then 400, then 800, then 1600, and see how we do. By the idea of evolution, the further we go back, the greater we should be in each situation. We should have evolved into something Greater, a higher being. Isn't this what we are taught, that the world, the universe is made for us and we are the being that is created in the image of God. Aren't we led to believe that with each passing era, and with greater knowledge we have grown towards our ultimate version of ourselves?
Drop us back 800 years and most of us would be dead or suffering in very short order. Think about what it would be like with no Drugstore, no fast food, no grocery. How would we cope without our cellphones with out cars, with out industry? Have we evolved or become more dependent? Are the two opposites, or at odds with each other?
If we have been walking the planet for millions of years, as is the conventional idea, then we got on well enough, for a long time, most of that time, with other than what we deem the absolute necessities of survival today.
The idea put forth at the beginning of this blog was to find some reasonable way of existing and going forward, given all that I know and all that I learn along the journey. There is no reality or reason to thinking about trying to living now, as humans lived 1000 years ago, or 100,000 years ago. But there is I believe reason and logic to living differently than we live now, in a manner that reflects the knowledge of what we have come from, how the rest of the living community lives, and the direction the current path of living has us set on.
For how we live upon this planet, we are to many. For as many as we, are we kill or subjugate other life to readily. For the intelligent beings we fancy ourselves to be we fail to see the interconnectedness and interdependence of all life and life systems. For all our concern for our own welfare, we fail to see our own responsibility in the creation of our own suffering, not just our own self destruction as a species, but as individuals.
When my own death is accepted, understood as the way things will be, then life, all life, becomes the most appreciated, magical, perpetual and beautiful thing. It is a very simple and obvious realization, that once found can not easily be lost.