It's all about the view.
Do nothing all day, Nap, maybe read. Drinks brought to you that make you feel "no pain". Dinner made for you. Get a massage (costs extra).
wear revealing clothes.
mind the concierge.
Usually only last a couple of weeks.
Save up to be able to afford.
communal sun and sea bathing.
Live all year in anticipation of it.
Try and get lucky.
Hoping it will never end. |
Do nothing all day, nap maybe watch TV or read. Get "meds" that make you feel no pain(stronger than a Mai Tai).
Dinner made for you (sometimes you don't even have to chew!). Get a massage & a sponge bath.
wear revealing gown.
Mind the nurse.
try and get lucky (see sponge bath)
Usually only lasts a for a short time.
Put money away every week to be able to afford.
Live your whole life worried about it.
Waiting for the time it all ends. |
What I am trying to figure out this: Are resort style vacations like hospital stays, or are hospital stays like resort style vacations?
I suppose we could also consider this:
Do nothing all day. Drinks and bongs and mind numbing shows that have you feeling no pain.
Bathing, ya right.
food delivered to your door by the Pizza guy.
live in your underwear or pj's.
usually only lasts till you have to go out and earn money to pay for cable.
Mind your parents, or if you are the parents, the landlord or the health department.
communal chips and dip.
Try and get lucky (porn channel)
waiting for the day it all ends, or a new season/episode. |
And then there is this:
Nothing to do all day. Go to gym, read. Meals made for you.
Outfits provided. Physical activities planned for you.
Mind the boss.
The community puts money away to pay for your stay.
Medical needs provided for.
communal bathing.
Try and have sex or avoid the same.
Waiting for the day it all ends. |
Which leads me to think of this:
Same thing to do each day. Maybe read or internet surf.
meal time decided for you. Maybe coffee provided.
The money you earn here pays for all of the above situations (vacations, medications, incarcerations).
But you have to buy your own clothes and housing (neither of which is ever adequate)
Mind the boss.
Spend all day in anticipation of leaving.
Try and have sex or avoid the same.
communal bathrooms.
Waiting for the day it all ends. |
Which also makes me think of this:
Think nothing, maybe breathe or say "OM". A spiritual state that makes you feel no pain.
Get spiritually bathed in light.
Nourishment in the form of enlightenment.
wear loose fitting clothes.
mind your mindfulness.
Costs nothing but time and maybe some scented candles, a mat, wardrobe, time off work...
Either hoping it will never end, or that it will be a never ending state. |
Which in turn leads me to this:
Do nothing. Feel no pain. No hunger
usually nice clothes.
Somebody does your hair and make up
Save up to afford a coffin or headstone.
communal graveyards
"Getting lucky" would be going to heaven
No body to mind, No mind.
Hope it will never come.
Lasts for ever (historically) |
Some have said that life is like music, or a poem, or a dance, that consciousness is an artful expression.
We sing the song that has been sung, recite the poem, dance the steps, 1,2,3..... think what has been thought, repeat the life of our forefathers.
We make our own stories, music, poetry, & dance our own steps.
It is not so important which way we do it, but more important, to
know which way we do it, and to allow for others who do it their way.
With over 7 billion here, just at this moment, there are bound to be repeats of songs, dances, poems and stories.
That also means that there are as many possibilities for variation and unique invention.
Even so, what happens after the last word, step, or note is for each of us the same. If you think it's different for you, then please, show me.