Tuesday, June 2, 2015


One of the things that has come up a bit in my readings on Buddhist thought that stands out to me is the inclusion of creativity as something good, and healthful for those pursuing a path of compassion.  Creativity, art, is something that appears to be deeply unique to our human experience.  It can, not only, help us to see from a different perspective, with a different sense of value for time, and matter, and relation to all beings, things, but it can also do the same for those who experience any art that we create.  It should not be like the paintings of the old masters that are just used and financial investments, or strictly as a means to gain money, but should be approached with thought about what it can do or say to help in the life of others as well as ones own life.
I have always gotten great joy from music, mostly music made by others, but also from my efforts to make my own, and by the challenge of learning to play music, or sing it.  I am no gifted musician, and all the music is effortful, but it is a joyful effort, like most good things, the work is relative to the reward of it.
Today, and for the past few days the rain has been pouring down.  This gives me good excuse to stay indoors and work on music.  It is also good to be outdoors enjoying music too.
while waiting for the truck to get some new tires, Chilly and I
Enjoy the shelter of a gazebo in the park.  The sound of the rain, the creek
the traffic and the guitar all make it seem as though I am playing and singing with a
large band
 Make music where and where you can, on an instrument, with your voice, or in your head.  Or, you can just listen to the soundtrack of the world, it is always playing and interesting.
My guitar is a found gift from a friend.  He found it in the trash, on the side of the street, broken in several pieces.  I put it back together and it serves me just fine.  Other peoples trash is now my treasure.