Monday, May 7, 2012

Live music!

Went into the big city to hear some and see some musicians, guitarists, play.  I had heard some of their work on recordings previously, and though I enjoyed it, the experience of being in a small room and watching these artist make the most beautiful, fun, and magical sound come from their instruments takes the appreciation of their talents to a different level.
Pino Forastiere @ Rockwood Hall, NYC.
This is something of a paradox with technology for me.  Though we have so much more access to so much more of everything thru technology, and though it is possible for us to make recordings,  and to create in the digital medium, I think that it threatens a general appreciation for the work and dedication and creativity that many artists invest to be able to do what it is that they do.

I don't think this is true in all situations and certainly so much more art is accessible to so many more, but it is one thing to create a piece of music on a computer program and another to make a guitar speak to a room full of people via such artistic commitment and work.

I think about the music of Steve Reich, which I really love.  This music or something akin to it could be made on this computer which I type on, with a program on it called Garage Band.  It is Reich's composition that moves me, but to see and hear musicians perform his works makes it truly something  beyond what we can create as individuals.  That collaboration between human beings takes it to a level of the mystic or spiritual that cannot be achieved by simply playing a work back on a computer or recording device.

By the time we had navigated thru the insane traffic of NYC on a Sunday evening I was ready to just stay in the car and return home.  I felt terrible for my contributing by driving a car into the mess.  I felt exhausted by the chaos.  Of course, it was all worth it.  Seeing, hearing, laughing with and experiencing these artists was so uplifting and inspiring.

I got to purchase some CD's of their music, from the artists directly.  Money from my hands to theirs, music recordings from their hands to mine, expressions of deep gratitude from one to the other in broken english and italian.  People to people, no middle men or corporations, just human beings sharing human art and appreciations.

Next time I think I will travel in by the motorcycle or the train!

Rockwood Hall is a nice venue on the lower east side of NYC.  CandyRat records is the label that presented the artists:  Pino Forasiere, Craig D'Andrea, Trevor Gordon Hall, & Sergio Altamura.

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