Thursday, October 4, 2012

The 800 lb. Gorilla in the room!

Where does an 800 lb. gorilla sleep?  Anywhere he wants to!
Something so powerful that it can do what it wants to, it is unstoppable.   Gravity, is like that.  We can't get around it.   So too, are the laws that govern the way life works, the way lives interrelate to each other, the way species survive.  The human story, our story, is subject to a law that is unstoppable, unchangeable and the way we live in defiance of that law will prove, is now proving this out.  If we continue to live as though all of creation is about, and for, just us, just our desires, the law that governs all living things will have it's affect.

The Law of Limited Competition is: “You may compete to the full extent of your capabilities, but you may not hunt down your competitors or destroy their food or deny them access to food. In other words, you may compete, but you may not wage war.”

I have just had another of those occurrences, when I read a book and find in it, the articulation of many of the thoughts that I had been mulling over and wishing I could share with others in a way that would be interesting to them.
The book "ISHMAEL" by Daniel Quinn, is a book that should be read by all of us.  One does not have to agree with or even enjoy it, but the ideas within are ones that we should all be conscious of, at least, for a moment in our lives.  There has never been a moment in human history more appropriate for considering these ideas.  Human future, will be directly affected by our consideration of these ideas now.  Consider reading this book.

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