Monday, July 25, 2011

rough, not just around the edges

In China, the death penalty has been given for taking bribes in big business.  I wonder how our congressional representatives would feel about that possibility of that degree of punishment here, and a serious assessment of their relationships to big corporations?

Robots are irresponsible.  In a recent radio report, during the time of power outages in the N.East due to high demand and high temps, researchers were discussing the future of robots in the home.  How does this make any sense, when we can't even supply the power needed now, with current demands?  Increasingly technology has replaced human ability and work.  With this increase has come an increase in power requirements, as well as resources to produce these technological products and methods.  We are in a challenged time with regards to energy sources and pollution.  I don't see how the path to more of the same makes any sense.  If anything, stepping back and unplugging and using human power, or just less seems the only logical path to the future.  In this country people don't sacrifice due to physical limitations.  Other parts of the world sacrifice(die) so we can be comfortable.

Heat wave, power outages, sewers dumping into the Hudson.  Ban on swimming and boating just when people need to get cooled off.

UN discussing how climate change could threaten world peace, duh.

A Winston Churchill quote recently that seems to fit the situation, as well as the optimism that we choose to have after a week of debt-limit pessimism. “Americans can be counted upon to always do the right thing, but only after exhausting all other possibilities.”(from some news source on the web)  This quote seems to be very applicable to many other issues as well,  Climate change, immigration, poverty, health care, imperialism/colonialism...  However it doesn't  seem that we have exhausted all the other possibilities yet, because we still haven't done the right thing.

In reference to the GOP and Obama's conflict over the debt issues of the United States,  Max Kaiser, a political analyst called it "A financial lynching"  by a racist party.  This is the thought I expressed last week.   It is so blatant now that I think only people who are closet racist or white and extremely embarrassed about it could deny it.

"We've come a long way Baby"--- NOT!

I was reading a right wing appraisal of climate change (Global Warming Panel to Earth's Rescue, on the UN's Dime? by  Rachel Marsden ) or more precisely, of climate change scientists call for concern and funding, and was very impressed by yet another fairly ignorant, juvenile,  even stupid, assessment of the science, and the situation.  
I will say that even the smallest measurable difference in distance, weight, temperature, volume.....can have great consequence if it occurs at the crucial point, the "tipping point".  One can be on the edge of a cliff, or just over it, the physical difference in small, but the reality is great.  Water and ice are not so far away in degrees, but how they act is very different.  One drop can be the difference between full and overflowing.  It is said that it is just one straw that breaks the camels back!
"Merely quantitative differences, beyond a certain point, pass into qualitative changes." --Karl Marx
Ms. Marsden references the melting glaciers, as well as the ocean, as a source for an abundance of waters.  Here proximity and salinity might be concepts she should acquaint herself with.

It is not the lack of intelligence in articles like this that gets to me, but rather the bombast with which it is all presented, the cocksure attitude of the ignorant and uneducated.  It all smells of high school mentality and social structure.  It is sometimes truly embarrassing to share titles of adult, and american, educated, and human with some people sometimes.  Don't these publications have editors?  In a blog I would be much more accepting of uninformed attitudes and statistics, but in a publication that claims to be "leading conservative media since 1944", I'd think somebody would have sent Marsden back to her notebook for a rewrite.  Then again, considering "conservative media", it kind of figures.  Pathetic, truly sad.

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