Friday, October 28, 2011

Inner/Outer Path

In a section of the Utne Reader online I read an article about Visionaries who are changing the world.  One article that spoke to me was an interview with Parker J. Palmer in which he spoke of the idea of living life on the "Mobius strip".  The mobius strip is a geometric idea where one takes a long rectangular strip, say of paper, and twists one end 180 degrees and then connects the 2 ends to make a loop with one continuous edge or side.  For Palmer the idea is that one might live so that the inner self blends into the outer self.

The path that I have been following has been a step to just that very thing.  The goal is to dissolve the distinctions between what I believe to be true, to be morally correct or ethically right, from what I practice in my everyday life.  From the smallest thing to the larger ideas.

Why kill when I don't have to?  So, I catch the fly, ant, moth, spider, and set them outside of the house.  I know they will die eventually and that death is a part of the life cycle, but it is not necessary for me to kill always and compassion, when practiced, brings different kinds of answers to the questions I face each day.

Life on the mobius strip would not have a vegetarian working at a butcher shop, nor would it have a person who believes money is at the root of our evils, making a large salary and having his taxes and savings funding the efforts of those who would corrupt his world.

Life on the mobius strip is another way of saying live what you believe.  It is a more logical and reasonable Path.

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