Thursday, May 19, 2011

Inertia, the end of an affair

It was my little sister who gave the "push".  I woke up this morning to find, not only her email, but a link to her blog.  Now we will have, not dueling, but co-operating blogs about our paths to a better living, home, family, community, country, world, or, at least, paths to some fun and adventure.  Today, will be one of my worst days of the year for energy consumption, as I have to travel into the city to light a event.  This means that I will be burning petrol to get to the job, and it means that tens of thousands of watts of electricity will burn all day and into the night because of what I design.  I am trying to design with less light but there is a limit to how little one can use to light the largest Gothic Cathedral in the world.  Working in the Arts & Entertainment industry has had it's part in the "push" as well.  When one see's, or is part of the wastefulness that takes place in that endeavor, it raises many questions about the benefit to soulful side of the human condition, when it costs so much to the physical side.  Can we really separate the two?  A few years ago I began to feel the need for change in the way I lived.  Now, still in the beginning of that hunt for a more reasonable way, I am so very far from where I began.  Now, I will share some of that strange trip and hopefully some of what is yet to come, what can be seen ahead from where I am now.  Thanks to my little sister, who's path is different but parallel.  It is an amazing age we live in that we can all write and share and possibly even converse, in a way, the globe over.

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