Sunday, August 14, 2011

reasonable Energy

Responsibility for oneself
Clean up your room
If you want something work to get it
No pain, no gain

And yet, we live in a society that seeks to do as little as possible in the way of seeing to ones own needs.  The hight of success is to have servants that do all of your work for you, to not have to work. We are all seeking a life of endless recreation.
Now I am all for having a good time, but a bit of reason, balance, moderation, REALITY, might be a bit in order.
For a very short time we have been able to avoid doing our own work in attaining our sustenance.  Cheap energy, has given us this "pass".  Before that, a few of us were using the work of other humans (slavery) to avoid the same work and individual responsibility.
A spin on the situation has gotten many of us to join the team of cheap energy, and industrialization, but the real benefit has been for very few.  The spin was that we too could become one of the wealthy and get someone else to do our work for us, while the reality is that most of us spend most of our lives chasing that idea and never ever really attain independence, economic security, or wealth.  Don't think that is true?  Do you own everything you poses, outright, no Debt????  If the stock markets crash tomorrow will your future still be secure???  If some corporate board decides to downsize, will you be fired? Lose you medical care, your kids education fund, your means for making an income, your energy source, your phone service, your internet access?......the list goes on and on and on.
This is not security, this is not freedom, this is not sensible.
Maybe a growing population, and an infinitely growing economy, and a industrial based society don't really fit well into the scheme of things on this particular planet, at this particular time?

reasonable energy

Posted by: RickyRood, 5:38 PM GMT on August 14, 2011
Climate, compost, and those plastic cups: Sustainability and Climate Change (1)

"It became self evident that forests and whale oil were not going to support a growing population, an industrial society, and a growing economy. (A nice history of energy, and interestingly Dolly Sods Wilderness.) These sources of energy were replaced with coal and oil."

Extractive ways of existing as a foundation for any species means that at some point, finite resources will be exhausted and that foundation will collapse.  The justification that technology will save us from technological emergencies is a great way to keep power and independence away from the individuals of this country, and planet.

You choices are 
a) to continue on and feed the monster what it eats and your future,  your money, your freedom 
b) to remove sustenance from the very thing that holds you captive by spending your money locally, barter, conserve, or just do with out.

Corporations are not People.  Their mission is to make money.

People are people.  Our mission is to have a good life, be happy, serve our families, our God, our society.

Our Congress is selling our rights as people and our futures to the highest bidders, the large corporate interests of the globe.
Let your Congressmen know that you don't approve.  How you let them know is up to you.


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